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Physical Oceanography

Heaney, Kevin D., et al. "Nonlinear optimization of autonomous undersea vehicle sampling strategies for oceanographic data‐assimilation." Journal of Field Robotics24.6 (2007): 437-448.

Coelho, E.F., and Rixen M., (guest editors) “ Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment - MREA”, Journal of Marine Systems – Special Edition, ISBN 0924-7963, Jan 2008

E. F. Coelho, , P. Hogan, G. Jacobs, P. Thoppil, H. Huntley, B. Haus, B. Lipphardt, Jr., A. D. Kirwan, Jr., E. Ryan, J. Olascoaga, G. Novelli, F. Beron-Vera, A. Haza, A. Poje, A. Griffa, T. Ozgokmen, D. Bogucki, S. Chen, M. Curcic, M. Iskandarani, F. Judt, N. Laxague, A. Mariano, A. Reniers, C. Smith, A. Valle-Levinson, M. Wei, (2014), “Ocean Current Estimation Using A Multi-Model Ensemble Kalman Filter During The Grand Lagrangian Deployment Experiment (GLAD)”, Ocean Modeling, 12/2014; 87

Schönau, Martha C., and Daniel L. Rudnick. "Glider observations of the North Equatorial Current in the western tropical Pacific." Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120.5 (2015): 3586-3605.

Schönau, Martha C., and D.L. Rudnick. "Mindanao Current and Undercurrent: Thermohaline Structure and Transport from Repeat Glider Observations.” Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47 (2017) 2055–2075.

Atmospheric Science

Verlinden, Kathryn L., David WJ Thompson, and Graeme L. Stephens. "The three-dimensional distribution of clouds over the Southern Hemisphere high latitudes." Journal of climate 24.22 (2011): 5799-5811.

Verlinden, Kathryn L., and Simon P. de Szoeke. "Simulating radiative fluxes through southeastern Pacific stratocumulus clouds during VOCALS-REx." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35.4 (2018): 821-836.


Consortium for Ocean Leadership. (2022). Report of the Workshop Toward Planning an Ocean Sound Decade. Zenodo. Participants include Kerri Seger.

McDonald, B. Edward, M.D. Collins, W.A. Kuperman, and K.D. Heaney. "Comparison of data and model predictions for Heard Island acoustic transmissions." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 96.4 (1994): 2357-2370.

Miksis-Olds, Jennifer, Bruce S. Martin, Kim Lowell, Christopher Verlinden, and Kevin Heaney. "Minimal COVID-19 quieting measured in the deep offshore waters of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Lett. 2 090801 (2022)

Verlinden, Christopher MA, et al. "Passive acoustic source localization using sources of opportunity." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138.1 (2015): EL54-EL59.

Verlinden, Christopher MA, et al. "Determination of acoustic waveguide invariant using ships as sources of opportunity in a shallow water marine environment." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141.2 (2017): EL102-EL107.

Marine Mammal Acoustics:

Seger, Kerri D., et al. "The ambient acoustic environment in Laguna San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, Mexico." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138.5 (2015): 3397-3410.

Seger, Kerri D., et al. "Humpback whale-generated ambient noise levels provide insight into singers' spatial densities." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140.3 (2016): 1581-1597.